I wanted to send a special thank you out to a few folks:
FIRST: Thank you Lord. Thank You for new mercies every morning, Your compassions, they truly fail NOT. Thank You for leading me, Thank You for the lamp to my feet and the light to my path. Who am I, that You should be mindful of me?
Thank you to my precious husband, Kirk, whose grace and patience and compassion and love is a constant, faithful, tangible picture of the love of Jesus for me.
Thank you to ALL my clients, many of whom I have the pleasure to call friends. Thank you for trusting me with your family, and the oppurtunity to capture your life.
Thank you to my family. Even with all our insanity (although I like to call it Puerto-Rican passion, or maybe "expressiveness") I've always known that our love and commitment to one another goes very very deep.
Thank you to the photographers who have been such help, even when the questions were floooowing.
In particular:
Megan Sugden from Photography By Megan out of Hallock, MN
http://www.meganphoto.com/ www.meganphoto.com/blogDiana Jung with Diana Elizabeth Photography in Arizona.
http://www.dianaelizabeth.com/ http://www.dianaelizabethblog.com/Neither of whom I've had the pleasure of meeting, but both were ready and willing to help out a total stranger. Both of your work/art is an inspiration to me.
Thank you those adding to my life now, and to those I will have the honor of working with in the future.