Monday, November 7, 2011

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Encouraging all my brothers and sisters to spend time next Sunday, November 13th, in prayer for our family around the world who suffer for their trust in Jesus Christ. They suffer and die and are found firm in their resolve that He is who He says He is, and He CAN be trusted.

There are men and women, fathers, mothers and children, who choose to stand with Yeshua in the full face of impending death and suffering. Their faith is real and deep and founded on Truth and trust in the One who gave His life for us.

Yeshua Ha'Meshiach, Yahweh, Jehovah Jireh, God our protector and provider, I pray for my brothers and sisters who choose to suffer for Your name, please fill them with strength and new revelation of Your love and Truth. Protect their families and give them love and forgiveness for their persecutors. I pray for the leaders of the oppressive countries, that You would grant them repentance that they would know the truth, that You would move on their hearts to allow freedom to worship you.

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